#yasuke spoilers
gayestgoodestgirl · 1 year
okay so i started watching Yasuke on netflix finally since it looked cool
also Spoiler Warning for Yasuke: The Black Samurai
first off, very neat show so far, wasn’t expecting it to be fantasy lol
but the reason i’m posting on this blog instead of main is big fucking werebear mommyyyyy
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she is SO BIG and strong and pretty and aaaaaaaa >////<
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like i said: SO BIG
ghhh she makes my gay little heart melt
i need her to top me not want need
good lord o///o
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waveglox · 9 months
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break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored
inst | twitter | "patreon"
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mochidoesdoodles · 2 months
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My truly favorite protagonists from Danganronpa... And they're related in one way or other... and from Light Novels.
*Sighs* I want DRZero and DR:If to get adaptations!!!!
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ilikedetectives · 23 days
Just saw the AC Shadows leaks and damn now I wanna play as both protags 👀
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dashabot · 4 months
This is very cute
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Author: @ohayo_hanken (Twitter)
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shsl-roomba · 9 months
I had a vision I had to draw it even tho it’s sketchy as hell and I won’t finish lmao
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thou-babbling-brook · 23 days
Ain’t no way the AC Shadows trailer pulled a “we are fnaf”
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cheesecakemermaid1048 · 11 months
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Wow,I genuinely didn't think they would make reference to kokichi love hotel!
But I am not complaining!!I am so happy little gremlin is getting recognition in this game.Also
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I could remembering it wrong but this could referencing junko and Matsuda.I haven't read Dr zero but I remember it being mentioned in Junko analysis vid. Specifically this story.
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starlightshadowsworld · 9 months
So in comics there's definitely been and are characters that everyone just agrees that they have to die.
And stay dead.
Think of Thomas and Martha Wayne, Uncle Ben etc.
Now these have changed from what they were initially
After Death in the Family, Jason Todd was supposed to stay dead.
And he did, for 17 years before coming back as the Red Hood.
Like there was a fake out in Batman: Hush that it was Jason and it was wild.
Bucky Barnes, also meant to stay dead and did so for 37 years.
... 37?!
Before becoming the Winter Soilder.
And these aren't in universe years, this is real world time.
Now it's hard to imagine them not wandering about.
So I'm trying to think what 3 characters I think should stay dead.
At least for the forcible future.
And who's dead that should be bought back.
Staying dead: Jason Grace (Percy Jackson: Heroes of Olympus.)
Yeah... I know.
I love him I'm still holding out hope he will return but I don't think it's coming.
I say think because... Leo.
Jason Grace is the perfect example of, I followed the rules, I did everything I was supposed to and I still lost everything.
He's the perfect soilder, the paragon of heroism and he fell sacrificing himself to save his friends.
I think it's best if Jason stays dead because his death is used to show the fragility of human life.
Of the harrowing lives demigods lead.
His final words are punctuated by him staring at Lester, Apollo in his eyes as he's stabbed.
And telling him to remember.
Remember what you saw, remember the way my life drained from eyes.
Remember this day, and know I'm not the first nor the last.
It's such a powerful moment.
Especially because Apollo gets to know Jason and is hit throughout the book that Jason is so young.
That he's just a kid.... that they all are.
Demigods aren't promised happy endings.
Most don't live to be adults, and it's perfectly and tragically shown perfectly through Jason's death.
He just got the life he wanted, found out Leo's alive... And than in a moment it was all gone.
Also, for Jason who's served 14 years at 16, he deserves to rest a while.
Coming back to life: Summer Rose (RWBY)
Didnt see that coming, I was very much on the "Oh my gosh can we not... Can she just stay dead" train.
Now look at me.
To be fair we know more than we did than and I am really interested to know what happened to Summer.
What happened to STRQ in general to be honest.The tragic death that no one speaks of.
Who's events seem to be only known by Summer herself.
And with the rise of Grimm like the Hound, a beast made of both grimm and silver eyed warriors.
With the note from Ruby and Yang that Summer could have been the turning point.
From Salem killing silver eyed warriors to capturing them.
Given Salem was trying to kill Maria when she was young, now am old lady.And has only ever tried to capture Ruby.
That and Grimm Summer is just the concept ever, I wanna see Summer Rose the paragon of being a huntress be an underling for Salem.
Especially if she's not as reluctant of a follower as we may believe.
Staying dead: Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa)
Junko is that werid one of I want her to stay dead but like keep her memory alive.
Because it makes sense too, woman caused the apocalypse.
And if we're still operating in that universe it makes sense she'd be bought up, especially after the fact.
But I don't think Junko herself should be bought back.
I get why they did it in Danganronpa 2 because it made sense.
But after, I don't think Junko needs to keep being our main bad guy.
I think exploring the word, her followers and hell people have nothing to do with her would be a lot of fun.
If they do bring her back I'm not gonna be mad, just think hey if we can have multiple protags it'd be fun to have multiple villians too.
She can't carry all of this on her own.
If they do bring her back, kinda defeats the purpose of her death.
Of why it meant so much to her, why she had to lose to Makoto the ultimate hope and her own class.
She lost but she also won.
It's such a huge thing and to bring her back and than kill her later it really deminishes the impact her death had.
... That and...She'd need a whole new body because who knows what happened to her corpse.
Coming back to life: Matsuda Yasuke (Danganronpa)
Speaking of followers of Junko I'd like to see.
We know little about Matsuda, given he's only appeared in Danganronpa Zero.
I think him being around would be really interesting especially in a world where Junko stays dead.
Because Matsuda is that complex thing of being someone infatuated and in love with Junko.
He was her childhood friend and boyfriend after all.
But also someone who wants her to change.
He created a version of her devoid of despair and he'd be happy to keep her that way.
Which is a unique perspective because most Junko followers think she's the most perfect thing ever.
And I think having that perspective would make for an interesting story.
Because no one really sees Junko as a fully realised person, not even Mukuro her own sister.
Also even aside from Junko, Matsuda also plays a huge role in the killing game's.
He's the one responsible for the memory wipes.
Being the Ultimate Neurologist.
I personally would love to see the memory stuff explored given it was always second to the killing games.
I get why but it's so cool and not something we talk enough about. Wonder if he was scouted by Hope's Peak not just for having a talent but for it's usages.
Say... The Kamakura project 👀.
I dunno but I think Junko's boy toy deserves some time in the spotlight.
Staying dead: The Grabber (The Black Phone)
His death was not only deserved.
It was fucking satisfying.
Watching Finney use everything the other boys gave him to beat that fucker.
That has kept him hostage, killed several others and is now getting his just deserts.
Was glorious.
... And I'm well aware that there's a sequel coming.
And I'm just hoping he stays dead.
Because not only do the ghost boys, Finney and Gwenny deserve to rest.
The Grabbers death was just perfectly set up and delivered so brutally.
That him being alive and returning to die later kinda ruins the ending.
Because it's Finney's fight to freedom.
I mean if that's the way they go with it, I can't say I'm not intrigued but yeah... Not in a rush to see him again.
Would much rather see someone else wear that mask.
Coming back to life: Sammy Emily (Five nights at Freddy’s)
The fact everyone dies and comes back to life in this series.
But not Sammy is a crime.
I'm sorry but the story about the mysterious twin brother of the girl who becomes the puppet.
Is something I wanna see.
I know he's only been mentioned vaguely in the Silver Eyes books.
But that's only more reason.
Just Sammy who's thought be dead for years raised by his mother and having an unexplainable connection to Freddys.
I mean tons of kids in the Fazbear Frights books have been drawn or compelled to go to Freddys.
His would make the most sense.
Maybe Williams after him?
Maybe it's Charlie in the Pizzaplex recognising and calling out to him.
Maybe he's the new night guard at the place trying to figure out what happened here... And why it feels familiar.
Maybe he knows about Freddy’s but he knows Charlie was taken and killed.
A parallel to Charlie thinking it was him in the original books.
Maybe he's out for revenge or just trying to find his missing sister.
There's so many possibilities.
I'm just saying if we can get a book about Sea Bonnie's we can get a Sammy Emily story.
Well that's my list.
Feel free to add your own, I'm curious.
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mayashesfly · 7 months
Yakou 🤝 Matsuda
Being manipulated by someone who has red hair to kill someone else for them and literally being kicked down while they're dying/dead by that red-haired person afterwards
The difference is that Matsuda is all alone while he was dying. While Yakou had his fellow detectives by his side as he was dying.
Matsuda's kill was all on his own hands while Yakou's was a team effort.
Though both has betrayed the person or people who admired them at the end, one died in despair without an answer while the other died knowing he has gotten his answer.
Pathetic men in love with a genius girl </3
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fma03envy · 1 year
Out of everything Junko's done, I'd argue that the final Matsuda vs. Ryoko fight in dr0 best fits the phrase "mutual killing"
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fvedyetor · 2 years
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day 8: everything hurts and im dying: back from the dead (also kind of stomach pain too)
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monsieuroverlord · 2 years
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I wanted to share some snippets of this comic book, because look how beautiful the art is!
This is Hitomi, written by HS Tak and art by Isabella Mazzanti. Published by Image Comics.
This is a historical fiction mini-series focused on the titular character Hitomi, who is seeking revenge on Yasuke for killing her family (if you don’t know, Yasuke was a black samurai who served under Oda Nobunaga. It is believed he originally came to Japan as a slave from a Portuguese ship. His appearance fascinated the locals, including Nobunaga himself, who eventually employed him as a retainer). This series takes place in Yasuke’s later years, much after he’s left the service of Nobunaga. Hitomi seeks to learn Yasuke’s weaknesses so she can take her revenge when he’s at his most vulnerable. 
We’re currently at issue #2 (of 5), and I’m really enjoying it so far! The art style is gorgeous, the characters are well-rounded, and the plot is fun. 
Also, I could be completely wrong, but Hitomi looks to be of Ainu descent. Her clothing reminds me of the vintage photos I’ve seen, minus the tattoos. I thought that was a neat detail!
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hopeymchope · 2 years
Hey, what do you think of Matsuda? He's sort of an asshole character, but I think he's the one who works best for me. Someone tried to argue with me that he was abusive with Ryouko—which I think is somewhat true for most of the novel—so he deserved to die like he did (this statement horrified me), but I always saw how Matsuda treated Ryouko as like, an unhealthy coping mechanism. I don't think its a stretch to say that Junko was abusive towards Matsuda in some ways, so Matsuda being toxic back at her seems mainly like an unhealthy way to deal with his complex feelings on her. Obviously, doesn't make how he treats Ryouko okay, as Ryouko does not remember doing anything Junko did, so it was definitely unfair of Matsuda to take it out on her, but... I don't know, it seemed more like... reactive abuse I think is the term, than anything else, only turning into just abuse once Junko lost her memories. But when I made this argument, and said that I thought Junko in some ways abused Matsuda, the person who I was replying to completely disagreed, and insisted that Matsuda was the solely bad one and that Junko killing him wasn't abusive and he deserved that. Which, really upset me. I stopped replying after a while but, it was very upsetting. It was also hard to understand them through their typos, and they got really upset at me when I misunderstood something they said. I think even if Matsuda was the only one solely abusive or toxic in the relationship, he still didn't deserve to die, especially how he did, especially so cruelly, because I really do believe in restorative justice. But the person I was talking to completely disagreed with that, too. This was all on a fic I wrote, BTW, one I was really proud of, and these were some of the only comments I got, so I was really discouraged. I really liked what I wrote but they hated it, and said all this stuff about Matsuda that upset me. All this to say, do you think I'm being unreasonable? I think Matsuda has definitely made mistakes, but he still didn't deserve what Junko put him through, but am I just biased because I like Matsuda? He's definitely an asshole, but I always sort of thought he was one of the more sympathetic assholes in DR.
I never liked Matsuda, but when we ultimately understand that his actions were driven by his (deeply misguided) love for someone he's cared about his entire life, I definitely felt somewhat more sympathetic towards him. 
Of course, we don't know much about how/why he loves Junko, and being in love with Miss Enoshima seems like a major friggin’ warning flag. Like, what, - did he just connect with her because they both fucking hate people and don't care what happens to them? ....Personally, though, I gave him a little more credit than that. I felt like he probably knew her before she became so sick of how predictable everything was to her. So I thought Matsuda probably loved her from childhood because he knew her when she wasn't so twisted.
When I first read Danganronpa Zero, I interpreted Matsuda's shitty treatment of Ryoko as being his way of punishing her for keeping Junko away. I figured he never considered Ryoko to be a real person - she was just the false face that was holding back Junko, the person he actually loves. So to him, what did it matter if he treated her like shit? She wasn't real anyway, right? I can imagine him seeing it that way. He can have a very clinical and detached view of things.
But I think your interpretation is also valid - I mean, I doubt Junko was the kind of person to be openly affectionate towards anybody, no matter how she felt about them. After all, how’s that gonna get her the precious Despair she longs for?! It’s only natural she’d abuse even someone she might legit care about. She even outright states that her reason for killing him is to just further drive herself into Despair, so that tracks quite logically.
Hey, maybe you can combine all of the above ideas. Maybe Matsuda saw Junko grow colder and more abusive, and that made it easier for him to be so abusive towards Ryoko, especially since he already resented her for the reasons I stated above RE: her being a façade and not even real in his eyes. Just pile all those motivations on top of one another.
That may all make him a little easier to understand compared to some of the assholes around him. Which isn’t to say I would presume to like the guy. I mean, he does literally murder an innocent person just to keep the secret of Junko’s guilt for the Student Council Killing Game. So he’s far from being a Good Boy these days. Maybe he was once? But regardless, I’m sure that when you can’t let go of “loving” someone as fucked up as Enoshima, you naturally get twisted by that love. On the plus side, at least he helped create the Neo World Program, so I suppose it’s not like he never did anything worthwhile. 
I’m pretty interested in the fanfic you’re talking about, though. Can you share the title or some kind of link (even though the Ask submission form will try to prevent you)? Even if it’s something you don’t want me to make public, I’d like to read it.
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is this matsushima and kamunami? or is this matsukamu and enonami? the world may never know…
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